The Power of the Collective

The #CollectiveProject is about harnessing the power of the many to bring great ideas to life. Follow us as we shine a light on the stories of these students who are making positive changes for their communities.

In need of a little inspiration? Step 1: Break all the rules. Step 2: Embrace the unknown. Step 3: Set off on your own quest with OneNote. Start now:

9 years ago

A freshly brewed latte tastes great no matter what design you see atop the foam. Keep track of your foam-inspired inspirations in OneNote.

9 years ago

Draft family Halloween costumes in OneNote now, and break the news on who’ll be the tiniest nesting doll later. Get started:

9 years ago

The smell of summer fading, a sudden bite to the afternoon breeze; fall’s arrival is felt before it’s ever seen.

9 years ago

A new perspective - and a little precipitation - is all the inspiration needed for your next big idea.

9 years ago

Use OneNote to keep track of hidden neighborhood haunts, then take in the gold-tipped leaves and brisk fall air as you walk to your new favorite spot.

9 years ago

Get out of town—literally! A change of scenery can renew your sense of purpose.

9 years ago

A capsule wardrobe may seem…well, encapsulating, but sticking to a few classic hues can open up a world of possibilities. And some extra closet space to boot. Build your own seasonal selection in OneNote:

9 years ago

Knit and purl your way to a prettier place. Create a plan in OneNote and turn the ordinary into something extraordinarily colorful. Start now:

9 years ago

Build shopping lists and log market schedules in OneNote, then enjoy the intoxicating smells of fresh baked bread (and fresh flowers, and fresh veggies) as you walk through your local farmers market. Get it now:

9 years ago